

Take complete control of your financial accounts with a comprehensive accounting system that provides everything you need for the success of your business. Full control over your financial accounts is provided by a centralized way to record and manage all financial transactions. Accurate and comparable financial reports. These reports help you understand the financial performance of your company and identify areas for improvement.


Say goodbye to days of chaos and switching between programs! Our accounting application is fully equipped from the first moment, with powerful features to help you manage a tight and accurate financial system.

Provide your customers with a unified and delightful experience with an eye-catching design that reflects your brand. No need to fear complexity! Start with just one application, then easily add more integrated programs when your business requires it. With a comprehensive accounting application, everything grows with you.

Chart of Accounts

Create and manage company accounts effortlessly. You can add multiple accounts for the company and assign them to different financial transactions. You can also create multiple accounts for customers, suppliers, and employees.


Create and manage financial transactions with ease. You can add multiple financial transactions for the company and assign them to different accounts. You can also create multiple transactions for customers, suppliers, and employees.

Financial Reports

Accurate and comparable financial reports. These reports help you understand your company's financial performance and identify areas that can be improved.

Detailed Trial Balance

You can get an overview of the detailed audit trail for the company and verify opening balances, financial transactions, and closing balances.

All the Tools You Need to Manage Your Business in One Place


You can add a default currency for the company and assign it to financial transactions. Additionally, you can add different currencies.

Currency Exchange

You can set an exchange rate for different currencies, and financial transactions will be automatically converted based on that.

Cost Centers

Create multiple cost centers for the company and use them to track expenses, revenues, profits, and losses.

Simple Transactions

In addition to accounting vouchers, you can create simple business vouchers for transactions, and they will carry the same functions.

Grow Your Business and Achieve the Results You Desire


Manage the entire sales cycle, from discovering opportunities to closing deals, all in one integrated platform.


Take full control of the purchasing process from start to finish. Create purchase invoices, purchase orders, and purchase returns.


You can add multiple warehouses and assign them to different products. You can also create multiple warehouses for customers, suppliers, and employees.

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Make Your Business Smarter

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